Welcome to my Secret Garden.
This is a place where things grow and bloom & flutter & fly!
Imagine a garden that never needs watering.
Yet everything in it still shines and blooms.
Glass, crystal, clay and semiprecious stone -
always alive and always so colorful!
There are no weeds in these gardens, I assure you.
A worm or two may pop up in some of them once in a while though :-)
A peaceful statue of Buddha is in the Secret Garden
where there is only pure silence. Animals, berries, plants
and visitors come to this area when they need to meditate
or want a huge dose of peace and serenity.
The plants have offered Love, Peace and Hope Berries
to Buddha while the plants in the area
seem to be growing so quickly!
This ring is best used when we need a reminder to return
to a more peaceful place. Stare at it to meditate any time of day.
It'll be quite handy since you have it on your finger anyway :)
The Buddha miniature is made of brass.